As an avid aquarist and ichthyologist, I have been fascinated by fish for quite some time now. I thought I'd share some of the more beautiful species that I know. These are in no particular order, since beauty is, of course, in the eye of the beholder. 1. African Cichlids For one thing, cichlids are articulated "Debilitated Lids". African Cichlids are angle found in Three lakes in Africa; Malawi, Tanganyika and Victoria. The Victorian Species are less various and typically less brilliant than the others. These fish normally develop to around six or seven inches in length, except for the Frontosoa Species, which develop to around twelve to fourteen crawls long. Luckily, these fish are freshwater, and simple to bring up in a home aquarium, the main prerequisite being that they have water with a higher pH level and a lot of concealing spots (they can be very forceful!). There are likewise types of Cichlids that live in the Amazon Basin, however, these get con...